Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Basics on Hypnosys

Hypnosis is a term derived from the Greek word for sleep. Hypnosis is very relaxing. However, you never lose awareness during hypnosis. When you are hypnotized, you continue to be aware of your surroundings. Everyone has experienced hypnosis. For instance, you may be watching a commercial that you have seen many times and you find yourself very engrossed in it to the point that should a fly land on your nose you will feel lethargic and give yourself plenty of time to decide if you want it away from you. Daydreaming is also a hypnotic state. 
Hypnosis as used in a doctor's office is a healing or investigative process. The client's welfare is the sole focus of the procedure and the work is geared towards helping the client. Stage hypnosis is a show where people perform acts that are used to entertain an audience. Since the purpose is usually to hold the audience's interest and to entertain them, the subjects are carefully selected and screened before the stage demonstration begins.

Everyone can be hypnotized provided that they want to be. Anyone who wishes to be hypnotized can be. Even people with short attention spans can be hypnotized but the procedure requires special skills on the part of the hypnotist. 
During hypnosis, one looks asleep but is not. You certainly will not be asleep or unconscious. If you were asleep, you would not be able to have a dialogue with your hypnotist. As a matter of fact, during hypnosis you are even more aware of what is going on around you than you would ordinarily be but you can be selective about it (which you can't do in the waking state). While under hypnosis, you are in a very relaxed and pleasant state.

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