Even though the media is constantly telling us that these are tough times and getting tougher, that doesn’t mean you have to swallow that kind of news “lock, stock and barrel.” It’s important for all of us to maintain a positive attitude if we ever hope to get through this current situation. Whether on a personal or a business level, the “power of positive thinking” can mean the difference between success and failure. It seriously can!
I know it’s tough to do sometimes and it seems to be getting tougher as the days go by but you really need to start your day with some positive affirmations, a smile, some exercise, and a good breakfast. And even if things aren’t working the way you had planned, if you look around your personal world, I’m sure you’ll see others who are having a worst time of it. That’s an opportunity for you to step up and help them. I’ve seen neighbors helping neighbors more often recently and that alone can give you a great feeling.
I know sometimes it's really difficult to stay positive and optimistic about what your future may hold - especially in times of financial hardship. And again, there’s the ever present media helping us to create a lot of worrying and frustration.
Remember that your personal attitude sets the tone for how your day will be. It really does. If you get up in the morning believing that you will have a hard time of it…you probably will. You need to begin focusing on your obstacles and challenges (and I know you have them) and try to determine how you can beat them. Stop dwelling on how they are beating you!
I'm not asking you to be insensitive but I am saying that you need to guard your thoughts and by doing so, you protect your positive attitude. Safeguard your thoughts like they are a valuable treasure.
The most efficient way to help someone who is having financial problems is to try and be as objective as possible. Try to guide the conversation away from the emotional aspects of the situation – and that, my friend is the challenge. Offer them solutions that perhaps you have used to get out of a bad situation. Pessimism can be contagious and damaging to your road to success.
Again, times are tough but it’s time to be bold and take a firm stand to protect your future. Learn to be solution-oriented and totally bright and cheerful. That is easier said than done so be prepared to focus on the required adjustments if you hope to make it through these hard times. Also remember that you will not always succeed; there will be loss or failure at some point. Don't dwell on the bad stuff. Successful people have taught us that success needs patience, determination, an encouraging attitude and the willingness to change, when necessary.
I heard on television the other day that tough times never last but tough people do. I think that’s something that all of us need to take to heart in these difficult economic times. Try to focus on the positive things that are happening in your life…your blessings, your children, a good meal on your table, a wonderful spouse, a job or the hope of a job. If you think of things that are worthwhile, you will begin to live a life that is productive, useful and fun.
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